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Learn how Rails Event Store helps in delivering better software. Here are some resources to get you started.
- DDD as Low-Code
- Simple audit log with Event Sourcing - Ecommerce/Order
- Event-driven without microservices
- Code flow in Event-driven architectures based on Ecommerce
- Event store, streamy zdarzeń i eventy w implementacji
- Rails Architect Masterclass: Event sourcing explained at the code level
- Rails Event Store Vision
- Applying CQRS & Event Sourcing on Rails applications
- Ruby meets Event Sourcing
- The Saga Pattern
- From Rails legacy to DDD
- Event-Driven Rails from scratch - Part 1: Motivation
- Event-Driven Rails from scratch - Part 2: Showing the Code
- Event-Driven Rails from scratch - Part 3: Testing strategies
- Event-Driven Rails from scratch - Part 4: Conclusions
- Audit log with event sourcing
- How to build a read model with Rails Event Store Projection
- How to balance the public APIs of an open-source library — practical examples from RailsEventStore
- Code review of an Order object implemented as a state machine
- The Goodies in Rails Event Store 2.x
- 4 strategies when you need to change a published event
- Low-boilerplate process manager
- Event Sourcing explained with real code
- Rails multiple databases support in Rails Event Store
- Avoid coupling between Bounded Contexts using Weak Schema
- Update Rails Event Store to v1.0.0 - walkthrough
- Building an Event Sourcing System in Rails, Part 1: What is Event Sourcing?
- Rails Event Store 1.0 — The Past, Present and Future
- Rename stream in Rails Event Store with zero downtime
- Managing Rails Event Store Subscriptions — How To
- Catchup subscriptions with Rails Event Store
- Ultimate guide to 3rd party calls from your Aggregate
- Legacy Rails DDD Migration strategy — from read models, through events to aggregates
- How to migrate large database tables without a headache
- Unexpected benefits of storing commands
- Introduction to event sourcing in Ruby on Rails
- Using streams to build read models
- Optimizing test suites when using Rails Event Store
- Patterns for asynchronous read models in infrastructure without order guarantee
- Modeling passing time with events
- What I've learnt at RESCON
- Event Sourcing made Simple
- What I learned from using Event Driven Architecture and DDD
- Reaktyvus programavimas įvykių kaupimo sistemose
- Correlation id and causation id in evented systems
- Rewriting deprecated APIs with parser gem
- Ruby Event Store - use without Rails
- Rails Event Store - better APIs coming
- Process Managers revisited
- Dogfooding Process Manager
- How to get an audit log with RailsEventStore today
- Thoughts after Rails + Domain Driven Design workshop
- One simple trick to make Event Sourcing click
- Composable RSpec matchers
- How to setup development work with RailsEventStore and mutant
- Why we follow the Rails repo structure in Rails Event Store
- Event sourced domain objects in less than 150 LOC
- Domain Events Schema Definitions
- The anatomy of Domain Event
- One event to rule them all
- Event Sourcing Libraries in Ruby: A Guide
- Testing Event Sourced application - the read side
- Testing an Event Sourced application
- Subscribing for events in rails_event_store
- Using domain events as success/failure messages
- Introducing Read Models in your legacy application
- Building an Event Sourced application using rails_event_store
- Why use Event Sourcing
- The Event Store for Rails developers
- Fast introduction to Event Sourcing for Ruby programmers
- Why I want to introduce mutation testing to the rails_event_store gem
- Introduction to Rails Event Store
- Introduction to Domain Events
- ecommerce
- aggregates
- ruby_event_store-outbox
- minitest-ruby_event_store
- distributed_rails_event_store
- ruby_event_store-protobuf
- ruby_event_store-newrelic
- ruby_event_store-profiler
- ruby_event_store-flipper
- ruby_event_store-transformations
- ruby_event_store-rom
- ruby_event_store-sidekiq_scheduler
- custom_active_record_observer
- rails_event_store_mongoid
- rails_event_store_dynamoid
- rails_domain_model
- active_event_store
- pitboss-stats