Rails Event Store

Publishing events

Defining an event

Firstly you have to define your own event model extending RailsEventStore::Event class.

class OrderPlaced < RailsEventStore::Event

# or

OrderPlaced = Class.new(RailsEventStore::Event)

Publishing an event

Then you can use publish method.

stream_name = "order_1"
event =
  OrderPlaced.new(data: { order_id: 1, order_data: "sample", festival_id: "b2d506fd-409d-4ec7-b02f-c6d2295c7edd" })

#publishing an event for a specific stream
event_store.publish(event, stream_name: stream_name)

Publishing an event with optimistic locking

Publishing an event with optimistic locking requires providing explicitly expected_version parameter.

event =
  OrderPlaced.new(data: { order_id: 1, order_data: "sample", festival_id: "b2d506fd-409d-4ec7-b02f-c6d2295c7edd" })

  stream_name: "order_1",
  expected_version: 3, # the position of the last
  # event in this stream


Providing expected_version is optional. The default value is :any. Allowed values are:

  • :any:
  • Integer such as -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...
  • :auto

For more information about when should you use which one, read expected_version explained

No stream

Providing stream_name is optional (but recommended).


If you don't provide the stream_name you can only read the events with read.to_a and read.backward.to_a queries (without filtering on particular stream name).

Appending an event to stream

In order to skip handlers you can append an event to a stream. This won't trigger the subscribed listeners.

event =
  OrderPlaced.new(data: { order_id: 1, order_data: "sample", festival_id: "b2d506fd-409d-4ec7-b02f-c6d2295c7edd" })

event_store.append(event, stream_name: "order_1")