Rails Event Store

Event serialization formats

By default RailsEventStore will use YAML as a serialization format. The reason is that YAML is available out of box and can serialize and deserialize data types which are not easily handled in other formats.

However, if you don't like YAML or you have different needs you can choose to use different serializers or even replace mappers entirely.

Configuring a different serializer

You can pass a different serializer as a dependency when instantiating the client.

Here is an example on how to configure RailsEventStore to serialize events' data and metadata using Marshal.

# config/environments/*.rb

Rails.application.configure do
  config.to_prepare do
    Rails.configuration.event_store = RailsEventStore::Client.new(
      repository: RailsEventStoreActiveRecord::EventRepository.new(serializer: Marshal)

The provided serializer must respond to load and dump.

Serialization is needed not only when writing to and reading from storage, but also when scheduling events for background processing by async handlers:

Rails.configuration.event_store = RailsEventStore::Client.new(
   dispatcher: RubyEventStore::ComposedDispatcher.new(
     RailsEventStore::AfterCommitAsyncDispatcher.new(scheduler: ActiveJobScheduler.new(serializer: Marshal)),
class SomeHandler < ActiveJob::Base
  include RailsEventStore::AsyncHandler.with(serializer: Marshal)

  def perform(event)
    # ...

Configuring for Postgres JSON/B data type

In Postgres database, you can store your events data and metadata in json or jsonb format.

To generate migration containing event table schemas run

$ rails generate rails_event_store_active_record:migration --data-type=jsonb

Next, in your RailsEventStore::Client initialization, set repository serialization to RailsEventStoreActiveRecord::EventRepository.new(serializer: RubyEventStore::NULL)

# config/environments/*.rb

Rails.application.configure do
  config.to_prepare do
    Rails.configuration.event_store = RailsEventStore::Client.new(
      repository: RailsEventStoreActiveRecord::EventRepository.new(serializer: RubyEventStore::NULL)

Using the RubyEventStore::NULL serializer will prevent the event store from serializing the event data and metadata. This is necessary because the Active Record will handle serialization before putting the data into the database. And will do otherwise when reading. Database itself expect data to be json already.